Doctrinal Statement
We believe:
*In the verbal, plenary inspiration of the Old and New Testaments.
* In the preservation of God’s Word through the Hebrew Masoretic Text and the Greek Textus Receptus.
*That the King James Version is the preserved Word of God in the English language.
*In God in three Persons: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.
*That God created the world in six literal twenty-four hour days.
*That all mankind is sinful, in need of salvation, and unable to save himself.
*That Christ died for the sins of all mankind and that salvation is by grace, through faith alone, based upon the finished work of Christ on the cross.
*In the bodily resurrection of Christ and His bodily ascension into heaven, where He now intercedes for believers.
*In the reality of Heaven and Hell.
*That man was created as a responsible being and as such, he may choose to accept or resist the grace of God.
*In the eternal security of the believer.
*That the local church is God’s institution to carry out the Great Commission.
*That the two ordinances of the local church are baptism by immersion for believers only and the Lord’s Supper as a memorial (Closed communion).
*In the pre-tribulational rapture of all believers.
*In the premillennial return and millennial reign of the Lord Jesus Christ.
*In the judgment of believers at the Judgment Seat of Christ and the judgment of unbelievers at the Great White Throne.
*In the obligation of every believer to live a holy life and to witness to the lost of the saving power of Christ.
*That God is sovereign in the bestowment of all His gifts, and that the gifts of evangelists and pastor-teachers are sufficient for the perfecting of the saints for today.
*That speaking in tongues and the working of sign miracles gradually ceased as the New Testament Scriptures were completed and their authority became established.
*That the extremes of Calvinism and Arminianism are both unbiblical.
*That all forms of compromise with liberalism, ecumenicism, neo-evangelicalism, or the charismatic movement should be avoided by those who wish to live in obedience to God.
Chip & LaVaughn Hull
Evangelizing Youth in Corrections